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We produce and pack many vegetable raw materials, including:


  • essential oils

  • distilled water

  • butters

  • base oils and oleolites

  • dried vegetable extracts

perfect if you work with customers increasingly demanding.

Obtained with cold extraction technique, guaranteed 100% pure, from organic certification, our products bring with them all the energy and benefits of the three and the fruit from which they came.

Oli Aromatheapy

They can be used for massages, aromatherapy, home-made cosmetic preparation and for any aesthetic treatment, natural and dermocompatible.

Agricosmetica La Casuarina Di De Zuanne Paola & C. S.a.s.  
Via Roccabauda, 1  -  10020  Cavagnolo - Torino

Numero REA TO - 1274097  | Codice fiscale e n.iscr. al Registro Imprese 12222110012 

Laboratorio di produzione cosmetica biologica

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